힐링 나눔터


영어 간증문입니다 :)


I’m happy. I’m always happy. I’m so happy in any situation.

Can you believe this? Do you think it is possible?

I can say with confidence, “yes!”


I was a shy girl when I was young. I liked to be alone rather than with someone.

I was a girl of few words so I didn't talk much. Moreover, I didn’t smile at all.

It was true until I met Jesus.


When I was eighteen, everyday was very hard and stressful. I couldn’t do anything.

For the first time, I shouted to the God.

“I need your help! I can’t do anything. Please help me!”

That day, I felt his consolation and love. It seemed that he told me like this.

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (JEREMIAH 33 : 3)

Through that day, I could be a real christian.


It was wonderful to know that God has forgiven me of all my sins, but I had a deeper problem. I am a sinner. I am the one who does the sinning.

God's solution to the problem of my sinful self was to get rid of my old self and make me a new person in Christ.

Every summer vacation, after being university student, God makes me a new person. Because of a lot of sins, I’m discouraged, disappointed, and frustrated so many times. However, God never give up saving me.

God does this miracle to me in ‘JDM Summer Conference’ and ‘Vision Trip’, every year.


God has removed everything that stood between Himself and me through the work of His Son. The blood of Christ has cleansed me of all my sins. My old sinful self was crucified with Christ. God created me as a new person in Christ. I am now in the kingdom of God's dear Son.

How do I know these things? I know them because God says so in His Word.

What does God want me to do now? He wants me to love His Son and live for Him!

This is why I’m so happy all the time.


God gave me one more present, ‘Christian community’.

I’m not alone anymore. I talk so much with many people and I always smile!


This is my pray.

"Father, I believe that You have forgiven me of all my sins and You have made me a new person in Christ. Thank You for all these wonderful things which You have done for me. I love only you.“

  • 관리자

    할렐루야!!! 아멘!!! 우리의 삶을 풍요로운 사랑의 은혜로 채우시는 하나님께 영광!!!

    9 년전


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